Sarah Jessica Parker για τον θάνατο του Willie Garson: "Ήταν αβάσταχτο. Μερικές φορές η σιωπή λέει πολλά"

Sarah Jessica Parker για τον θάνατο του Willie Garson: "Ήταν αβάσταχτο. Μερικές φορές η σιωπή λέει πολλά"
Τρεις μέρες μετά τον θάνατο του καλού της φίλου και συνεργάτη, η διάσημη ηθοποιός βρήκε τη δύναμη να τον αποχαιρετήσει δημόσια.


It's been unbearable.
Sometimes silence is a statement.
Of the gravity. The anguish. The magnitude of the loss of a 30 + year friendship. A real friendship that allowed for secrets, adventure, a shared professional family, truth, concerts, road trips, meals, late night phone calls, a mutual devotion to parenthood and all the heartaches and joy that accompany, triumphs, disappointments, fear, rage and years spent on sets (most especially Carrie's apartment) and laughing late into the night as both Stanford and Carrie and Willie and SJ.
Willie. I will miss everything about you. And replay our last moments together. I will re-read every text from your final days and put to pen our last calls.
Your absence a crater that I will fill with blessing of these memories and all the ones that are still in recesses yet to surface.
My love and deepest sympathies and condolences to you dear Nathen. You were and are the light of Willie's life and his greatest achievement was being your Papa.
These were his last words to me. "Great bangles all around." Yes.
Godspeed Willie Garson.